主催者 KKLIVE Taiwan


~ ⟢  2024 (G)I-DLE WORLD TOUR [iDOL] IN TAIPEI  ⟣ ~

全新的 [iDOL] 第三次世界巡演於8月自首爾啟程,
10月5日 & 10月6日將在台北小巨蛋首次登場!

偶像魅力獨具的(G)I-DLE 從去年的 [I am FREE-TY] 巡演,
在7月8日推出的迷你7輯《I SWAY》,主打歌《Klaxon》的美式復古風格,




The brand-new [iDOL] third world tour kicks off in Seoul this August and will make its debut at Taipei Arena on October 5th & 6th!

The uniquely charismatic (G)I-DLE filled every seat during last year's [I am FREE-TY] tour, with Taipei tickets selling out instantly, leading to an additional show.
 On July 8th, they will release their mini album 'I SWAY,' marking a powerful return six months after their full-length album '2' was released earlier this year.

NEVERLAND are you ready to sway? (G)I-DLE has made a promise to all of you!


節 目 資 訊

⊹ 演出時間:DAY 1  2024/10/05 (六) 19:30

⊹ 演出地點:台北小巨蛋(台北市南京東路四段2號)

⊹ 正式啟售:2024/08/10 (六) 中午12:00

⊹ 票  價:NT$6980 /$6380 /$6080 /$3880/$3380 /$800(全場對號入座)

* 全區採實名制,僅限在KKTIX 網站購票,實名制相關規定請參考售票網頁說明。


⊹ 購票福利:NT$6980|Sound Check Party


⊹ 協辦單位:ELF ASIA、超級圓頂

⊹ 購票方式:KKTIX

* 為安全考量,活動演出時敬請各位觀眾遵守小巨蛋規範,2、3樓觀眾勿站立跺腳,以揮手或鼓掌取代跳動,謝謝配合。


⊹ 購票資格:加入Weverse,並成為NEVERLAND MEMBERSHIP (GL)的有效會員,且會員資格須持續有效至購票登記截止為止。

⊹ 購票登記:於2024/7/20(六)中午12:00 – 2024/7/22(一) 中午 12:00於Weverse網站完成購票意願登記。

⊹ 詳情請上Weverse網站。

⊹ 購票時間:自2024/7/29(一) 中午12:00至2024/8/1 (四)止,每一會員每場限購二張,限用於一張訂單(即會員號碼每場只得使用一次)。

⊹ 全區採實名制,僅限在KKTIX 網站購票,購票時,需要輸入您的NEVERLAND MEMBERSHIP (GL) 的「membership number」進行優先購票。

Concert Information

⊹ Date & Time:
   DAY 1: 2024/10/05 (Sat) 19:30
⊹ Venue: Taipei Arena (No. 2, Section 4, Nanjing East Road, Taipei City)

⊹ Ticket Sale: 2024/08/10 (Sat) at 12:00 PM

⊹ Ticket Prices: NT$6980 /$6380 /$6080 /$3880/$3380 /$800 (All area reserved seating)

* All tickets are sold under a real-name registration system and are available exclusively on the KKTIX website. For details, please refer to the ticket sales webpage.

* The tickets price for Red 2A, Red 2 B, Purple 2 A, Purple 2B are NTD 6,080, the view of the main stage from these zones might be restricted. Please be aware before purchasing.
⊹ Ticket Benefits: NT$6980|Sound Check Party

⊹ Organizers: CUBE, CJ ENM, KK LIVE

⊹ Co-organizers: ELF ASIA, Super Dome

⊹ Ticket Purchase Method: KKTIX

* For safety reasons, please adhere to Taipei Arena regulations during the event. Audiences on the 2nd and 3rd floors are requested not to stand or stomp their feet. Please use hand gestures or clapping instead of jumping. Thank you for your cooperation.

Weverse " NEVERLAND MEMBERSHIP (GL) " Member Pre-sale:
⊹ Eligibility: Join Weverse and become a valid member of the NEVERLAND MEMBERSHIP (GL)  community. Membership must remain valid until the end of the pre-sale registration period.

⊹ Pre-sale Registration: Complete your pre-sale registration on the Weverse website from 2024/7/20 (Sat) 12:00 PM to 2024/7/22 (Mon) 12:00 PM.

⊹ Details: For more information, visit the Weverse website. 
⊹ Pre-sale Period: From 2024/7/29 (Mon) 12:00 PM to 2024/8/1 (Thu). Each member for each concert can purchase two ticket only, and they must be purchased in a single order (i.e each membership number can only be used once per session).

⊹ Note: All tickets are sold under a real-name registration system and are available exclusively on the KKTIX website. During the purchase process, you will need to enter your "membership number" for the NEVERLAND MEMBERSHIP (GL) to complete the pre-sale.


入 場 注 意 事 項


Entry Guidelines

⊹Except for Restricted View Seats, if there are visibility issues after seating, please notify venue staffs within 10 minutes after the start of the event. If confirmed as a blocked view, seat adjustments will be made as appropriate. If no alternative seat is available, consumers may request a full refund. Failure to notify staffs implies acceptance of the seating arrangement.



實 名 認 證 須 知 

  1. 採「實名制認證」,請在購票過程中於票券的「姓名」、「手機」、「身分證字號(海外觀眾寫護照號碼)」的欄位中,正確填寫每一張票券入場人資料,並務必於送出前再次確認票券入場人資料正確無誤。
  2. 若您的「姓名」或「身分證字號(海外觀眾寫護照號碼)」其中之一項填寫有誤,請於取票前至【實名制票券修改申請表】 進行申請修改,如兩項全錯或已取票則無法修改票券資料,僅接受退票期限內退票,請務必確認資料正確再進行結帳及取票。
  • 修改方式 (每張票券僅限修改一次 )
  • 收件期間:7/29(一)12:00~9/7(六)12:00,逾期將不予受理。
  • 須由購買會員填寫「實名制票券修改申請表」 。
  • 申請人請務必於提交表單5個工作天之後至"訂單"頁面的【查看/修改資料】欄位確認資料是否正確,若與申請修改資料不符或還尚未修正,請務必來電客服確認。如因資料不符而導致無法入場,主辦單位及KKTIX概不負責。
  • 再次提醒若您的「姓名」或「身分證字號(海外觀眾寫護照號碼)」兩項均錯誤,則無法申請修改,請於購票日3天內完成退票,並請詳閱下方退票規則,逾期將不予受理。
  1. 每個身分證字號每場限持一張票券驗票入場,不得重複購票。如因重複購票無法入場,主辦單位及KKTIX概不負責。
  2. 入場時會掃描「身分證正本背面的條碼」驗證及核對每張票券上印製姓名與入場人身分證件是否相符入場,活動當天請務必攜帶身分證正本,外籍人士及14歲以下孩童將採人工驗證方式進場,14歲以下孩童請攜帶健保卡、外籍人士請攜帶護照,確認無誤後方可入場,如資料不符將無法入場。
  3. 姓名僅限「繁體中文」與「英文」,外籍人士請填寫「護照姓名」,請勿使用特殊符號與字元。(如以下圖示)
  4. 本活動所收集之資料,包含姓名、電話、身分證字號等資訊,將提供主辦單位該活動入場驗證使用,並不會做其他用途,亦不會將您的個人資料和活動資料提供給無關的第三方。

Real Name Verification Instructions

1.Please follow the "Real Name Authentication" regulation. Please accurately fill in the fields for "Name," "Mobile Number," and "ID Number (passport number for international attendees)" for each ticket when purchasing the tickets. Before submission, please ensure the ticket holder's information is correct.

2.Suppose there is an error in either the "Name" or "ID Number (passport number for international attendees)", you can apply for a correction before picking up your ticket via the [Real Name Ticket Correction Application Form]. If both fields are incorrect or the ticket has already been picked up, the ticket information cannot be corrected, and only refunds within the refund period will be accepted. Please ensure all information is correct before proceeding with payment and ticket collection.

●Modification Procedure (each ticket can only be modified once):
Application Period: From 12:00 PM on July 29, 2024 to 12:00 PM on August 31. Late submissions will not be accepted.

●The person who purchases the ticket must complete the "Real Name Ticket Correction Application Form." 

●After submitting the form, the applicant must check the "Orders" page within 5 business days to confirm the information. If the information does not match the requested correction or has not been updated, contact customer service. The organizer and KKTIX are not responsible if incorrect information results in an entry being denied.

If both the "Name" and "ID Number (passport number for international attendees)" fields are incorrect, modifications cannot be requested. Please complete the refund process within 3 days of purchase and refer to the refund procedures for refund rules. Late refund requests will not be accepted.

3.For each concert each ID number is limited to holding one ticket for entry verification and cannot be used for multiple ticket purchases. The organizer and KKTIX are not responsible for denied entry due to duplicate ticket purchases.

4.Entry will require scanning the barcode on the back of the ID to verify that the name on the ticket matches the ticket holder's ID. On the event day, bring your original ID. Foreigners and children under 14 will be verified manually.
5.Names must be in "Traditional Chinese" or "English" only. Foreign attendees should use their "passport name" and avoid using special symbols and characters (as shown in the illustration below).

6.The information collected for this event, including names, phone numbers, and ID numbers, will be used by the organizer for entry verification purposes only. It will not be used for other purposes or shared with unrelated third parties.

購 票 方 式 說 明

Attention: Using multiple devices, browsers, windows, or pages may result in ticket purchase failure or abnormality.
  1. 本節目網站購票僅接受已完成手機號碼及電子郵件地址驗證之會員購買,購票前請先"加入會員"並盡早完成"手機號碼及電子郵件地址"驗證,以便進行購票流程。(進行手機號碼驗證,但收不到簡訊怎麼辦?請點我)
  2. 為了確保您的權益,強烈建議您,在註冊會員或是結帳時填寫的聯絡人電子郵件,盡量不要使用Yahoo或Hotmail郵件信箱,以免因為擋信、漏信,甚至被視為垃圾郵件而無法收到『訂單成立通知信』。
  3. 訂單成立通知信可能因其他因素未能寄達,僅提供交易通知之用,未收到訂單成立通知信不代表交易沒有成功,又或是刷卡付款失敗,請於付款期限之內再次嘗試刷卡(即便收到銀行的授權成功的簡訊或電子郵件),若訂單逾期取消,則表示訂單真的沒有成立,請再重新訂購。一旦無法確認於網站上的訂單是否交易成功,請至會員帳戶的"訂單"查詢您的消費資料,只要是成功的訂單,皆會顯示您所消費的票券明細,若查不到您所訂購的票券,表示交易並未成功,請重新訂票。
  4. KKTIX系統沒有固定的清票時間,只要消費者沒有於期限內完成付款,未付款的票券就會陸陸續續釋放出來,消費者可隨時留意是否有釋出可售票券張數。
  5. 於KKTIX網站選位時請留意,紅區座位號越小越接近舞台,紫區座位號越大越接近舞台。
  6. KKTIX網站購票:
    • 每位KKTIX會員每場限購4張
    • 優先購:每個會員資格每場限購 2 張,購票時需要輸入您的 NEVERLAND MEMBERSHIP (GL) 進行優先購票,限用於一張訂單(即會員號碼每場只得使用一次),開賣當天僅提供「電腦配位」,恕無法選擇區域,系統將自動配至選擇票價的最適區域及相連座位,若當下已無相連座位,系統會配符合選擇張數的不相連座位。
    • 正式啟售:購票時可選擇【自行選位/電腦配位】如選擇自行選位可以在規定時間內更改座位。若當下已無相連座位,系統會配符合選擇張數的不相連座位。
    • 付款方式:信用卡(VISA/MASTER/JCB)
    • 為強化信用卡網路付款安全,KKTIX售票系統網站導入了更安全的信用卡 3D 驗證服務,會員購票時,將取得簡訊驗證碼,確保卡號確實為持卡人所有,以提供持卡人更安全的網路交易環境。信用卡3D驗證流程為何?
    • 取票方式:全家取票(手續費每筆$30/4張為限,請於全家便利商店繳納給櫃臺)
    • 開放取票時間:10/5 場次 9/25起開放全家機台取票
    • KKTIX購票流程圖示說明 請點我
    • 全家便利商店FamiPort取票說明 請點我
    • 選擇全家便利商店FamiPort取票請留意:請勿在啟售當下於網站訂購完成後馬上至全家便利商店取票,需等待於開放取票時間才能取票,於開放取票後至開演日前任一時間皆可取票,無須於尖峰時間取票以節省您寶貴的時間。
  7. 身心障礙票券說明:
    • 僅限 KKTIX 網站購票,請務必在活動啟售前一天完成身心障礙者身份認證驗證,售票當天無法保證能認證成功,啟售當日才認證成功的帳號恕無法確保能順利購票。
    • 如何進行身心障礙者身份認證?請點我
    • 通過身份認證之帳號,僅可購買身心障礙證明「有效期限」晚於「活動日」之票券。
    • 每位身心障礙人士含必要陪同者每場限購最多2張票券,「必要陪伴者優惠措施」須通過主管機關身分認證始能購買陪同席票。
    • 身心障礙優先席以主辦單位/場館規劃區域、座位、優惠票價配位銷售,售完為止。
      1. 輪椅席區:限乘坐輪椅或使用行動輔具者購買及使用,安排於紅2B區、紅2D區、紫2B區、紫2D區,票價每席 400元。
      2. 非輪椅席區:安排紅2A區、紫2A區,票價每席 400 元。
    • 優先購:僅提供「電腦配位」,恕無法選擇區域,系統將自動配至選擇票價的最適區域及相連座位,若當下已無相連座位,系統會配符合選擇張數的不相連座位。
    • 正式啟售:購票時可選擇【自行選位/電腦配位】如選擇自行選位可以在規定時間內於該區更改座位。若當下已無相連座位,系統會配符合選擇張數的不相連座位,恕無法跨區選位或換位,敬請見諒。
    • 注意事項:
      1. 臺北小巨蛋輪椅專用身障席,僅供使用輪椅之身心障礙者購買。
      2. 購買身心障礙者優待票(含輪椅席),入場時請出示身心障礙證明正本及身分證進場,若有陪伴者,須一同入場(恕無法單獨持票進場),以利查驗。
      3. 進場時敬請攜帶有效證件,若有未帶證件、資格不符者、或非本人者等不合規定之事宜,將無法入場。

Ticket Purchase Instructions

1. This program only accepts purchases from members who have completed mobile number and email address verification. Please "register as a member" and complete "mobile number and email address" verification as soon as possible before purchasing tickets to proceed with the ticket purchasing process. (What if I do not receive the SMS for mobile number verification? Click here.)

2. To ensure your rights, it is strongly recommended not to use Yahoo or Hotmail email addresses for registration or checkout to avoid missing the "order confirmation email" due to spam filtering or being marked as junk mail.

3. If the order confirmation email is not received, it does not mean the transaction was unsuccessful or the card payment failed. Please try to pay again within the payment period. If the order is canceled due to overdue payment, the order was not successfully placed. Please place a new order. If you cannot confirm the success of the order on the website, please check your purchase details in the "Orders" section of your member account. If you cannot find your order, the transaction was not successful, and you need to reorder.

4. The KKTIX system does not have a fixed ticket release time. Unpaid tickets will be released continuously, so consumers can check for available tickets at any time.

5.When selecting seats on the KKTIX website, please note that the smaller the seat number in the red area, the closer it is to the stage, and the larger the seat number in the purple area, the closer it is to the stage.

6.. KKTIX Website Ticket Purchase:

   - Each KKTIX member is limited to purchasing 4 tickets per event.

   - Pre-sale: Each member can purchase up to 2 tickets per session, using their NEVERLAND MEMBERSHIP (GL) during pre-sale in a single order (i.e each membership number can only be used once per session).Only "computer allocation" is provided on the first day of sale, and it is not possible to choose the area. The system will automatically assign the best seats available at the selected price range. If there are no adjacent seats, the system will allocate non-adjacent seats that match the number of tickets selected.

   - Official Sale: During ticket purchase, you can choose "self-selection/computer allocation." If you select self-selection, you can change seats within the specified time. If there are no adjacent seats, the system will allocate non-adjacent seats matching the number of tickets selected.

   - Payment Method: Credit Card (VISA/MASTER/JCB). To enhance the security of online credit card payments, the KKTIX ticketing system has implemented the more secure credit card 3D verification service. When members purchase tickets, they will receive an SMS verification code to ensure the card number belongs to the cardholder, providing a safer online transaction environment. What is the credit card 3D verification process?

   - Ticket Pickup: FamilyMart (handling fee of $30 per transaction, limited to 4 tickets, please pay at the FamilyMart counter).

   - Ticket Pickup Time: 9/25 for the 10/5 event.

   - KKTIX Ticket Purchase Process Diagram Click here.

   - FamilyMart FamiPort Ticket Pickup Instructions  Click here.

   - When choosing FamilyMart FamiPort ticket pickup, do not pick up tickets immediately after placing the order on the website. You need to wait until the ticket pickup time is open. You can pick up tickets at any time from the start of the ticket pickup period to the day before the event, avoiding peak times to save your valuable time.

7. Disabled Ticket Information:

   - Only available for purchase on the KKTIX website. Please complete the "disability identity verification" the day before the event goes on sale. Verification cannot be guaranteed on the day of sale. Accounts verified on the day of sale cannot be guaranteed to successfully purchase tickets.

   - How to verify disability identity?  Click here.

   - Accounts that pass identity verification can only purchase tickets with a disability certificate valid beyond the event date.

   - Each disabled person, including a necessary companion, can purchase up to 2 tickets per event. The "necessary companion discount" must pass government identity verification to purchase companion tickets.

   - Disabled priority seats are allocated based on the areas, seats, and discounted prices planned by the organizer/venue and are available until sold out.

  1. Wheelchair area: Only for those using wheelchairs or mobility aids, located in Red 2B, Red 2D, Purple 2B, Purple 2D areas, priced at $400 per seat.
  2. Non-wheelchair area: Located in Red 2A, Purple 2A areas, priced at $400 per seat.

   - Pre-sale: Only "computer allocation" is provided. The system will automatically assign the best seats available at the selected price range. If there are no adjacent seats, the system will allocate non-adjacent seats matching the number of tickets selected.

   - Official Sale: During ticket purchase, you can choose "self-selection/computer allocation." If you select self-selection, you can change seats within the specified time in that area. If there are no adjacent seats, the system will allocate non-adjacent seats matching the number of tickets selected. Cross-area seat selection or changes are not allowed.

  -Important Notices:

1. Taipei Arena’s wheelchair-accessible seating is reserved exclusively for individuals who use a wheelchair due to physical or mental disabilities.

2. If purchasing a discounted ticket for disabled individuals (including wheelchair seats), please present both the original disability certificate and ID at the entrance. Accompanying persons must enter together with the ticket holder (tickets cannot be used alone) for verification purposes.

3. Please bring valid identification when entering. If you fail to bring necessary documents, do not meet the qualifications, or are not the ticket holder, entry will be denied.


退 票 說 明

  1. 根據文化部訂定『藝文表演票券定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項』第六項「退、換票機制」之規定共有四種方案之退換票規定,本節目採用方案二:消費者請求退換票之時限為購買票券後3日內(不含購票日),購買票券後第4日起不接受退換票申請,請求退換票日期以郵戳(已取票)或申請表(未取票)寄送日為準,退票需酌收票面金額5%手續費,範例如下:
  • 2024/7/29購買,退票截止日為2024/8/1 (含),2024/8/2 (含)起的退票不再受理
  • 2024/8/10購買,退票截止日為2024/8/13 (含),2024/8/14 (含)起退票不再受理
  • 未取票者:如欲辦理退票請於退票期限內至以下連結填寫表單

【信用卡】 退票申請書 _ 未取票

  • 已取票者:退票皆需以郵寄方式退回票券,請將「票券」及「KKTIX退票申請書」以掛號方式郵寄至「KKTIX票務組收 / 105039 臺北體育場郵局第060號信箱」。


  1. According to the second ticket return plan of Laws & Regulations of “Ministry of Culture”,  tickets are refundable with 5% return handing fee for three days ONLY after you purchase them. For example:
  • Tickets purchased on 2024/7/29 must be mailed to KKTIX before 2024/8/1. Tickets mailed out on and after 2024/8/2 for refund will NOT be accepted.
  • Tickets purchased on 2024/8/10 must be mailed to KKTIX before 2024/8/13. Tickets mailed out on and after 2024/8/14 for refund will NOT be accepted.
  • In order to process your refund request, physical tickets must be mailed to KKTIX before the due date. For KKTIX address, please refer to KKTIX REFUND POLICY.
  • NOTE: If you choose Family Mart as ticket collect method, you will still need to pick up your ticket at Family Mart and send it to KKTIX.


注 意 事 項

  1. 請勿於拍賣網站或是其他非KKTIX正式授權售票之通路、網站購票、也不要透過陌生代購進行購票,主辦單位與KKTIX均無法保證票券真實性。除可能衍生詐騙案件或交易糾紛外,以免影響自身權益,若發生演出現場無法入場或是其他問題,主辦單位及KKTIX概不負責。
  2. 若有任何形式非供自用而加價轉售(無論加價名目為代購費、交通費、補貼等均包含在內)之情事者,已違反社會秩序維護法第64條第2款;且依文化創意產業發展法第十條之一第二項規定,將票券超過票面金額或定價販售者,按票券張數,由直轄市政府、縣(市)政府處每張票面金額之十倍至五十倍罰鍰,請勿以身試法!
  3. 一人一票,憑票及有效且附有照片身分證正本(不接受證件影本或畫面截圖資料),14歲以下孩童請出示健保卡、外籍人士請出示護照查驗入場,孩童亦需購票。
  4. 身高110公分以下兒童不得進入三樓各區,票券視同有價證券,請妥善保存,如發生遺失、破損、燒毀或無法辨識等狀況,恕不補發。
  5. 如遇票券毀損、滅失或遺失,主辦單位將依「藝文表演票券定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項」第七項「票券毀損、滅失及遺失之入場機制:主辦單位應提供消費者票券毀損、滅失及遺失時之入場機制並詳加說明。」之規定辦理,詳情請洽KKTIX客服中心。
  6. 請勿攜帶相機、攝影機、DV、錄音機入場,未經主辦單位同意,禁止拍照、錄影、錄音。
  7. 本節目禁止攜帶外食、飲料、任何種類之金屬、玻璃、寶特瓶容器、雷射筆、煙火或任何危險物品。
  8. 各表演場館各有其入場規定,請持票人遵守之,遲到觀眾需遵守館方管制。
  9.  消費者必須以真實姓名購票及填寫有效個人資訊,協助親友購買票券,應取得該個資所有人同意,一旦以虛假資料購買票券已經涉及刑法第二百十條「偽造私文書罪」:「偽造、變造私文書,足以生損害於公眾或他人者,處五年以下有期徒刑。」 ;且依文化創意產業發展法第十條之一第三項規定:「以虛偽資料或其他不正方式,利用電腦或其他相關設備購買藝文表演票券,取得訂票或取票憑證者,處三年以下有期徒刑,或科或併科新臺幣三百萬以下罰金。」,主辦單位及KKTIX皆有權利立即取消該消費者訂單,請勿以身試法! 
  10. 購票前請詳閱注意事項,一旦購票成功視為同意上述所有活動注意事項。

Important Notices

1. Do not purchase tickets from auction sites or other non-KKTIX authorized ticketing channels or websites, and do not buy tickets through strangers. The organizer and KKTIX cannot guarantee the authenticity of tickets. To avoid fraud or transaction disputes and protect your rights, if you are denied entry to the event or encounter other issues, the organizer and KKTIX are not responsible.

2. Any form of resale for non-personal use with a markup (including fees for proxy purchase, transportation, subsidies, etc.) violates Article 64, Clause 2 of the Social Order Maintenance Act. According to Article 10-1, Clause 2 of the Development of the Cultural and Creative Industries Act, reselling tickets above face value or at a fixed price will result in fines ranging from ten to fifty times the face value per ticket imposed by the municipal or county (city) government. Do not break the law!

3. One person, one ticket. Entry is only allowed with a ticket and a valid photo ID (photocopies or screenshots are not accepted). Children under 14 must present their health insurance card, and foreigners must present their passport for verification. Children also need a ticket.

4. Children under 110 cm in height are not permitted to enter any sections on the third floor. Tickets are considered valuable documents; please keep them safe. In the event of loss, damage, burning, or inability to recognize the ticket, no replacement will be issued.

5. In case of ticket damage, loss, or destruction, the organizer will handle it in accordance with the "Standard Contract for Arts and Cultural Performance Tickets" Article 7 "Ticket Damage, Loss, and Destruction Admission Mechanism: The organizer must provide a mechanism for consumers to enter the event in case of ticket damage, loss, or destruction and explain it in detail." For details, please contact the KKTIX customer service center.

6. Do not bring cameras, camcorders, DV recorders, or audio recorders into the venue. Photography, video recording, and audio recording are prohibited without the organizer's consent.

7. This program prohibits bringing outside food, beverages, any kind of metal, glass, PET bottle containers, laser pointers, fireworks, or any dangerous items.

8. Each performance venue has its own entry regulations. Ticket holders must comply. Latecomers must follow the venue's control measures.

9. Consumers must purchase tickets using their real names and provide valid personal information. If assisting friends and family in purchasing tickets, the consent of the data owner must be obtained. Purchasing tickets with false information involves Article 210 of the Criminal Code "Forgery of Private Documents": "Forging or altering private documents that may harm the public or others shall be punished with imprisonment for up to five years." According to Article 10-1, Clause 3 of the Development of the Cultural and Creative Industries Act: "Purchasing tickets for arts and cultural performances using false information or other improper means, obtaining booking or ticket vouchers with computers or other related equipment, shall be punished with imprisonment for up to three years, or a fine of up to NT$3 million, or both." The organizer and KKTIX have the right to cancel the consumer's order immediately. Do not break the law!

10. Please read the notices carefully before purchasing tickets. Once the ticket purchase is successful, it is considered an agreement to all the above event notices.

台北小巨蛋 / 台北市南京東路四段2號


チケット種別 販売期間 価格

2024/08/30 12:00(+0800) ~ 2024/10/05 19:30(+0800)
  • TWD$6,980

2024/10/03 22:00(+0800) ~ 2024/10/05 19:30(+0800)
  • TWD$6,380

2024/08/30 12:00(+0800) ~ 2024/10/05 19:30(+0800)
  • TWD$6,080

2024/08/30 12:00(+0800) ~ 2024/10/05 19:30(+0800)
  • TWD$3,880

2024/08/30 12:00(+0800) ~ 2024/10/05 19:30(+0800)
  • TWD$3,380

2024/08/30 12:00(+0800) ~ 2024/10/05 19:30(+0800)
  • TWD$800

2024/08/30 12:00(+0800) ~ 2024/10/05 19:30(+0800)
  • TWD$400

2024/08/30 12:00(+0800) ~ 2024/10/05 19:30(+0800)
  • TWD$400